So...what the hell is this? I go to PF Changs to celebrate with Mrs. Reese's Cup and after my delicious meal of MSG and dead chicken covered in sweet sugary glaze, the waiter puts this crap on my table.
"uh...excuse me."
"Yes, sir?"
"What is that?"
"What is what?"
"There's a tree growing out of my cheesecake."
"Oh. That's garnish."
"Why is garnish growing out of my cheesecake?"
"It's not to eat. It's to make it look better."
Look better? It's cheesecake. Making it look better is like telling Odette Yustman she needs to powder her nose before you kiss goodnight, or thinking I'd be more willing to take a hundred dollar bill because you put a High School Musical sticker on it.
If I wanted vegetables I'd have ordered a freaking salad. I want sugar, sweetner, syrup and graham cracker crust. I don't want some arrogant chef planting a garnish garden in my cheesecake.
Anyway. It was dang good.
I bet Autumn really enjoyed your anniversary dinner interrupted by that. :) Happy Happy by the way. :)